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SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics

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Table of Contents
Volume 20, Issue 1, pp. 1-271

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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Girth, Pebbling, and Grid Thresholds

Andrzej Czygrinow and Glenn Hurlbert

pp. 1-10

Computing Optimal Morse Matchings

Michael Joswig and Marc E. Pfetsch

pp. 11-25

Randomized Pursuit-Evasion with Local Visibility

Volkan Isler, Sampath Kannan, and Sanjeev Khanna

pp. 26-41

Odd Hole Recognition in Graphs of Bounded Clique Size

Michele Conforti, Gérard Cornuéjols, Xinming Liu, Kristina Vuskovic, and Giacomo Zambelli

pp. 42-48

Avoiding Patterns in Matrices Via a Small Number of Changes

Maria Axenovich and Ryan Martin

pp. 49-54

A Theorem About a Contractible and Light Edge

Zdenvek Dvorák and Riste Skrekovski

pp. 55-61

Improved Bounds for Topological Cliques in Graphs of Large Girth

Daniela Kühn and Deryk Osthus

pp. 62-78

Optimum Secret Sharing Scheme Secure against Cheating

Wakaha Ogata, Kaoru Kurosawa, and Douglas R. Stinson

pp. 79-95

Differential Methods for Finding Independent Sets in Hypergraphs

Yusheng Li and Wenan Zang

pp. 96-104

Linear Orderings of Subfamilies of AT-Free Graphs

Derek G. Corneil, Ekkehard Köhler, Stephan Olariu, and Lorna Stewart

pp. 105-118

Embedding k-Outerplanar Graphs into l1

Chandra Chekuri, Anupam Gupta, Ilan Newman, Yuri Rabinovich, and Alistair Sinclair

pp. 119-136

Ranking Tournaments

Noga Alon

pp. 137-142

The Linking Probability of Deep Spider-Web Networks

Nicholas Pippenger

pp. 143-159

Full Rank Tilings of Finite Abelian Groups

Michael Dinitz

pp. 160-170

Discrete Point X-rays

Paolo Dulio, Richard J. Gardner, and Carla Peri

pp. 171-188

Improved Bounds for the Crossing Numbers of Km,n and Kn

E. de Klerk, J. Maharry, D. V. Pasechnik, R. B. Richter, and G. Salazar

pp. 189-202

Pairwise colliding permutations and the capacity of infinite graphs

János Körner and Claudia Malvenuto

pp. 203-212

M-Convex Functions on Jump Systems: A General Framework for Minsquare Graph Factor Problem

Kazuo Murota

pp. 213-226

On Stability, Error Correction, and Noise Compensation in Discrete Tomography

Andreas Alpers and Peter Gritzmann

pp. 227-239

Collective tree spanners of graphs

Feodor F. Dragan, Chenyu Yan, and Irina Lomonosov

pp. 240-260

The Steiner k-Cut Problem

Chandra Chekuri, Sudipto Guha, and Joseph (Seffi) Naor

pp. 261-271